רבי שמואל בן-יהושע
Rabbi at Temple Sholom of Ontario
Serving San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, CA and all of Southern California
Adult Torah Class
יום ג׳, 12 בינו׳
Discussing the week's Torah sedrah/parashat/portion

זמן ומיקום
12 בינו׳ 2021, 19:30 – 20:30 GMT-8
פרטי האירוע
Join us for an hour of discussing and learning the week's Torah portion.
Topic: Torah Study with Rabbi Stephen Epstein
Starting Tuesday, December 1, 2020 Time: 07:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Every week until Feb 23, 2021
Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/98302034641?pwd=ZzRmZ3JKY2dPMFBGanp3TlVvTkJadz09
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Parashat Vaera / פרשת וָאֵרָאRead in the Diaspora on 16 January 2021 (3 Sh'vat 5781).
Parashat Vaera is the 14th weekly Torah portion in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading.
Torah Portion: Exodus 6:2-9:35 Full Kriyah- 1: 6:2-13 (12 p'sukim)
- 2: 6:14-28 (15 p'sukim)
- 3: 6:29-7:7 (9 p'sukim)
- 4: 7:8-8:6 (28 p'sukim)
- 5: 8:7-18 (12 p'sukim)
- 6: 8:19-9:16 (26 p'sukim)
- 7: 9:17-35 (19 p'sukim)
- maf: 9:33-35 (3 p'sukim)
Haftarah: Ezekiel 28:25 - 29:21