רבי שמואל בן-יהושע
Rabbi at Temple Sholom of Ontario
Serving San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, CA and all of Southern California
Adult Torah Class
יום ג׳, 15 ביוני
Discussing the week's Torah sedrah/parashat/portion

זמן ומיקום
15 ביוני 2021, 19:30 – 20:30 GMT-7
פרטי האירוע
Join us for an hour of discussing and learning the week's Torah portion.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/97784088941?pwd=UUczN2VSeHlNNjN3cjdPWm1VZEtlQT09
Meeting ID: 977 8408 8941 Passcode: 317167
Parashat Chukat / פרשת חֻקַּ
Read on 19 June 2021 (9 Tamuz 5781).
Parashat Chukat is the 39th weekly Torah portion in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading.
Torah Portion: Numbers 19:1-22:1
Parashat Chukat sets out the laws of corpse contamination (tumat hamet) and purification with the water of lustration prepared with the Red Cow (פָרָה אֲדֻמָּה, parah adumah, also called the “Red Heifer”). It also reports the deaths of Miriam and Aaron, the failure of Moses at the Waters of Meribah, and the conquest of Arad, the Amorites, and Bashan.
Soncino Chumash: pp. 652 - 664
Artscroll Chumash: pp. 841 - 870